Individualized Creative Alternative Network

Teach Confidence Not Compliance

Treat Others As You Would Want To Be Treated

Ownership, Confidence, Responsibility

Everyone Can Learn



ICAN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit support agency for person’s with developmental disabilities. Please feel free to browse our web pages and make room for a person with disabilities in your life.

ICAN as reflected within the name, is dedicated to supporting each individual with disabilities in the discovery and development of capability. Through identifying what one can do, He/she connects with identity, dignity and self worth…personal and community value… and growth.

Within a holistic approach, ICAN includes the person and families as the center influence in molding and shaping supports, evolving opportunity and community participation. ICAN affords the learning experience within the typical and natural environment of community enabling one to grasp “real” opportunities to live, work and develop relationships and participate as included members.

ICAN empowers individuals and families to celebrate the presence of talents, skills and dreams… to grow within an emerging personality… be akcnowledged as one with thoughts and feelings… and recognized as a person who can do things. Individuals serves are defined through capability… no longer within the boundries of limitations.


Teach Confidence, not Compliance